February 02, 2013

#Review 1: Superior Moms

It's February and I am down with only 1 book khatam-ed.
Which means 19 to go, for my 4th resolution. So lembab.

To combine resolution no. 4 and no. 11, I have to review on books.
Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother by Amy Chua, published in 2011 was recommended by one of this speaker of a seminar I went (I forgot her name) a psychologist and writer of parenting books.

I rate 8/10, for most of the stories remind me of my (tiger) mom, although she's not Chinese and professor, but she always treat us like Sophie and Lulu.
And yes, I agreed 100% Chinese moms are superior compared to the others.

I remember last time, tv session for an hour or so per day. Tu pun berita TV1. On Wednesday dapat extra hour sebab X-Files. Every weekends catch up on mengaji and sometimes balik kampung.
Hafal sifir kena power. Baca jawi kena lancar. Baca Daily Express (versi English) with loud and clear.
I have no regrets. My strict mom thought us to be what we are today. Religion-economic-education-perception-principles-health-political wise. But most of all, attitude.

What we see nowadays, parents yang terlalu manjakan anak-anak. Attitude hilang, respect lagi lah nun jauh. Don't blame the kids if you failed to raise them right.
I have a patient, 21 years old, she came with her son yang turn out to be sangatlah nakal and she was like tak kisahlah nakal panjat here and there asal kau selamat. Geram dengan budak tu I told the mother, tegur lah budak tu and her respond was? "Hehe.. Ga pa pa mbak." -_-

1. This book recommended for parents out there yang anak-anak tengah membesar (5 years above)
2. Seiring dengan arus kemodenan yang tak terkejar, don't spoil your kids.
3. As my siblings and I recall mom's dictatorship, we are glad for that type of dictatorship made us survived in this cruel world. Heartless, tough and independent.