This is something like being a travel guide to my sister. Before I went back for good, we decided to have a short trip in Java. Yogyakarta (Pronounce Jogjakarta), Jakarta and Bogor. It was indeed very short trip. We stayed for about 3 days only. Eventhough Jogja, the special region in Indo is quite small and reachable, but 3 days are not enough. My third time, after first was in 2008 and second was in 2011. Prior to time constriction, the last 2 visits I only managed to have a glimpse in Candi Borobudur. There's a lot to explore in Jogja!
Let's start with Surabaya to Jogja. I booked a train ticket for two, a week earlier. It costs around 110-160K IDR depends on promo or regular price and took around 4-5 hours journey. You may enjoy the scenery of paddy fields, villages, trees and even sheeps.
Upon arrival, Jogja train station. (Tugu) |
This is Sancaka Pagi train, depart from Surabaya at 8.00 am (and they are precisely on time) arrived in Jogja at 12 noon. They played Karate Kid and Tooth Fairy along the way. Good for us. Good for the Mat Salleh group next to us.
Checked in to Poncowinatan Hotel, the hotel I stayed 2 years ago for MOHE activity. Very affordable. It is a walking distance from the train station actually. Tapi tak kan lah usung luggage from train station kan? (Yes,I hardly travel light) We took beca instead. I (and most Malaysians in Indo) am immune with trishaw. My sister in other side, kesian with pacik beca as they are physically small and thin. As for me and my sister are.. ehemm..
Paparazzi-ed by sister. |
This list provided by the hotel. Rate from hotel to their interesting places. |
Knowing our limited time for exploring, we are heading to 1st tourist attraction in an hour after arrival. To the Taman Sari we go! By beca. Eventhough as I called it 3 times to Jogja, tapi hampeh.. maps and roads are not my forte. My sis did her homework and planning our whereabouts. Most of their in town tourist attractions are reachable.
View from beca. In front is the famous Tugu. |
Passed by Jl Malioboro. Unique kereta kuda.
Here we are! In front of Taman Sari. If I'm not mistaken, the ticket price is 3K per person. Or 6K. Lesser than 10K. That I can assure.
Taman Sari Water Castle (according to Google) is a site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and had multiple functions. Resting area, workshop, meditation, defense area and hiding place.The building of Taman Sari commenced during the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I (1755–1792), the first sultan of the Yogyakarta Sultanate, and was completed by the time of Sultan Hamengkubuwono II. Longgg longgggggggg time ago kan! Amazing how they maintain this place. By the way, after you step in the entrance door, a staff will assist you from A to Z. From the history to taking pictures.
That is the kolam, or they call it as bathe area where the Sultan's concubines (which i were told almost 40 of them) taking bathe. You see the window above? It was told that the Sultan will stand there and throw petals to choose one of his concubines. (There was another kolam behind the window building) |
The 2nd kolam is for Sultan's daughter. |
This is the flower (which I forgot it's name) that Sultan throw to the lucky concubines. Macam bunga di kubur. But the uncle said it's different. |
Castle as usual lah kan, huge! It took me sometime to wow-ed at this huge palace.
Next is the underwater mosque, which connected via tunnel. It was told that the Dutch are against Islam, hence explains the underwater mosque. You can read more about Taman Sari here. It was quite a journey to reach this mosque. I wonder how the Sultan came here.
Kiblat. Imam will solat in this specific place, and makmum follow behind Imam. This unique mosque is round in shape. It is quite unique to perform prayer in a 'saf' which the mosque is not in square. |
Which path to take lah konon. The elevated platform inside Sumur Gumuling where the four staircases meet in the center. On the ground level of this platform is a small pool that was used for wudu'. |
This is the last area, rooms, living rooms and whatever main rooms are situated. Note the small squares at the wall. It was told that the squares are for woods, as a partition for ground and first floor. Banyak runtuh.
Motif editted: I love the angle! |
"make sure I look falling from above" me: "T___T" |
I know I'm a bad photographer. You can tell.
We decided to go back after Taman Sari as it was gloomy and started raining. Pacik beca whom we chartered earlier waiting for us. Back to hotel for a while, waiting for a brighter sky and we walked to Malioboro. It took almost 15 to 20 minutes. Our biggest concern is to walk more. We don't indulge fine culinary while in Jogja. (My sister and I very particular on foods. No, we don't want to fall into stomach upset while traveling.) What I love the most on day 1, the art of walking.
The end of Jogja day 1. Phew!