November 04, 2012


Kerap saya terjumpa pacik macik berjalan berdua di public. Mall, hospital, tepi jalan.
I can't stop looking at the old couples,
They reminds me of my parents back home.
Kalau dorang tua nanti, where am I? Kalau dorang perlukan saya nanti, adakah saya berada di sisi mereka? 
Masa saya dengan ibu bapa sangat singkat. I was away all the time.

Bila orang tanya saya, kalau saya get married saya akan pilih where is he come from? 
Jawapan simple saya, ya. Saya akan pilih. It is important for me to choose. I plan to stay nearby my parents. 
Still, Allah plans better. Percaya Qada' dan Qadar. 

I know my sister and brother take care of my parents very well. 
It is about time my turn pula untuk jaga parents.

Mu'adh said, "Bliss belongs to someone who is dutiful towards his parents. Allah Almighty will prolong his life."

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